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Welcome to Ladybird Class Page!

We are the youngest class members of Stanwick Primary School. As a class we enjoy outdoor learning, especially using the outdoor equipment on the back field. The water wall and mud kitchen are firm favourites. We also enjoy our welly walks, where we have the opportunity to be out and about in the village. The children love to point out familiar landmarks, or where they or family live.

In Ladybird class, our learning is practical, purposeful and fun. We have the opportunity to explore, investigate, and work with friends or by ourselves. The environment has various areas for everyone to access- creative station, message centre, construction, storytelling shack, maths area, funky fingers, active area, loose parts, role-play and water. The environment is purposefully organised to encourage independence and the chance for everyone to follow their own interests. We also have times together as a class, where we can listen to each other and share our ideas.

Our learning journey through the term is mapped out on our Learning Wall, where the voices of the children are recorded, moments captured, as well as key learning points. It’s a busy wall!!!

In Ladybird Class, we are a ‘family’ and we are all looking forward to the year ahead and being a part of Stanwick Primary School.

Ladybird Class Learning

Ladybird Class Curriculum Information

Awaiting updated documents for this page.